Okay. It’s time for a veterans’ care update. It’ll be short, so don’t freak.

I’ve been meaning to put this up for the past month, since the day it came out, but have been short of time for posting anything, of late (I suppose one post about every 10 days kinda illustrates that, huh).

In any case, the RAND Corporation – the nation’s largest policy-analyzing, reporting-to-the-Office-of-the-Secretary-of-Defense, (rather clannish) group – recently released a report on estimates for the prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other conditions among OIF/OEF veterans. This is the most extensive report of its kind to date; the entire thing runs 500 pages.

I’ve downloaded that, and have even begun to read through it, believe it or not (makes for some real light reading), but will instead post the 19-page summary, here.

The estimates are not pretty. In fact, they’re rather horrifying. It is being predicted, conservatively, that 18-22% of veterans from this war will suffer from PTSD, major depression and/or traumatic brain injury (TBI) or mTBI (the “mild” version). Further, there is a high incidence of co-morbidity among these conditions.

Either way, “one-in-five” is a staggering ratio.

I just wanted to put something up that really means something. If you have even 20 minutes to browse through this, to see what these hundreds of thousands of young men and women will be grappling with and going through in the years to come, then please – take that amount of time to familiarize yourself with this. Just over half the personnel who have deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan over the past five years – that’s more than 800,00 people, folks – are between the ages of 20 and 29, and this war will be affecting them for, presumably, the greater portion of their lives.

The upshot is that we, as a nation, will need to begin to deal with this war, whether some of us want to or not.

I’m off to bed. Time to try and get refreshed for another day of reading, writing, researching (about things such as this, and more) and feeling grateful that I have a wonderful and special son whom I adore (and who WOWS me every day with his special brand of sweetness) as well as supportive and loving people in my life.
